Sunday, 31 July 2016

Importance of Cleanliness in Our Life

It is rightly said ‘cleanliness is next to godliness.’ Cleanliness means keeping our body, mind and everything around us clean. This is a good habit. It should be cultivated from early life.
Cleanliness refers to the habitual acts of keeping the dirt away, to maintain good health, following both personal and environmental hygiene practices. In simple words, it refers to the state of being clean.

Cleanliness of body is essential for good health. It is said that dirt and disease always go together. So for keeping good health we should have regular bath, we should clean our body, clothes and surroundings. We should also avoid dirty food.
Men of clean habits are liked by all. All dislike and avoid dirty men. Their dirty habits spread the germs of disease. Cleanliness of the body brings about the purity of mind. A neat and clean body with a clean mind is the abode of god.

How to maintain cleanliness?

1. We should always throw waste in the dustbin. Besides making the roads dirty, these wastes also creates the problem of water logging. Water logging makes the place dirty. There arises hygiene and sanitation issues.
2. We should keep the dirt away.
3. We should keep clean the place where potable water is stored.
4. Cooked food should be kept covered.
5. We should keep the water bodies free from pollutants.
6. We should keep environment clean.
7. We should never do such things that pollutes or contaminates the environment in any way.
8. We should wear washed clothes every day.
9. We should take a shower both in the morning and at night.
10. We should clean homes daily.
11. The public areas such roads, parks, railway stations, etc. should be kept clean.
12. We should wash our hands before and after having food.
13. We should use a hand sanitizer before and after touching patients at hospitals.
14. Before retiring to sleep, we should wash our face, hands, and legs to let go the dirt.
15. Cleanliness is important for healthy mind, body and spirit. Our first duty is to be clean. Every morning, as soon as you get up, you must clean your teeth, and wash your face, and your hands and feet.

After your body, you must look into your clothes. You should always wear clean clothes. Now, do not mistake rich clothes for clean clothes. You may have a very costly coat of flannel or tweed, and it may be very dirty. Another boy may wear only a thin shirt, and it may be clean. In India, we do not want too much woolen clothing. We use mostly cotton clothes; and these can be washed easily.
What prevents you, then, from being clean? It is not because you are poor, for you do not require any money at all to keep your body clean, and you want very little to keep your clothes tidy. One boy says, he has no time; but does anybody believe his words? No; he must set apart some time for bathing and washing his clothes. The fact is some boys get into the bad habit of being dirty.
We should get into the habit of being clean. Many boys and girls when they write with ink and pen soil their fingers. With a little care and effort they can avoid it.

Hence, you should always maintain cleanliness.

Health is the normal and sound state of the body. This is a great source of peace and happiness.

Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body free from any disorder, sickness or ailment. In simple words, health refers to the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of a person.

Hygiene refers to the good practices that prevent diseases and leads to good health, especially through cleanliness, proper sewage disposal, and supply of safe drinking water. It refers to all those activities that are done for improving and preserving, maintaining sound health.

The proverb says that health is wealth. It is truly said that of all things in the world health is the most valuable that one can possess. Money is no doubt a pleasant thing. However, it can give no pleasure to a man of ruined health. As body and mind are closely connected, the mind cannot be sound and cheerful without sound health.

Value and benefits of Good Health: Life is a great struggle, and health is the best weapon to be successful in the battle of life. A healthy man can enjoy life in every way. An unhealthy man lives a most miserable life. He may have intelligence, merit and wealth, but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits.

Hygiene Habits for Good Health

Pure water: Pure water is another source of good health. A great deal of sickness is caused by using impure water. People in villages often bathe, and wash clothes and cattle in tanks. If this water is used for drinking purposes, it may bring disastrous diseases. To make water pure it should be boiled, so that it may not do any harm.
Balanced and Nutritious food: Wholesome food keeps our health good. A part of the food we take serves as fire to keep the body warm; another part forms flesh to give us strength. Pure milk is the most nutritious food. Vegetables and many other things that we generally take are nutritious food. A mixed diet is the best food for us. Stale and rotten food is dangerous for health. Meals should be taken at fixed times. Over-eating causes many diseases. Special care is necessary about food when any epidemic prevails.

We must learn proper hygiene practices to preserve our health. Too much work or exercise, eating or drinking are injurious to health. A regulated life is very helpful to a sound health. Above all, the mind too, must be kept clean and pure.

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