Sunday 31 July 2016

Social Issues in India (causes, effects and solutions)

Social Issues in India

Introduction: Social issues (also social problem, social evil, and social conflict) refers to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole society or by a section of the society. It is an unwanted social condition, often objectionable, the continuance of which is harmful for the society.

India is facing a large number of social issues such as caste system, child labour, illiteracy, gender inequality, superstitions, religious conflicts, and many more. It is high time to get relief of these undesirable social evils.

Major Social Issues: We have prepared a list of major social issues in India. They are briefly discussed below in the following order:

Caste system
Child labour
Child marriage
Low status of women
Gender inequality at work
Dowry system
Sati practice
Sanitation and cleanliness
Religious conflicts
Juvenile delinquency

1. Caste system

Introduction: Caste system is a system of defining class or assigning status to individuals from the time of birth. In India, the caste system is mainly profession based. India has been a victim of caste system since ages.

The causes, effects and solutions of Caste system in India are discussed below:

Causes: The main reason behind the growth of Caste system in India is the assignment of caste based on job specialization. There were different types of jobs in the society which were done by the people based on their capability. This division of job based on specialization resulted into caste system.

Four classes of Caste system: The four classes includes:

The Brahmins – the priestly class. They were mainly engaged in religious and priestly activities. They were also appointed as advisors to the Kings.
The Kshatriyas – the warrior and ruler class. They were mainly engaged in warfare activities.
The Vaishyas – the trader class. They were mainly engaged in business, agriculture, and trading activities.
The Sudras – the lowest of the four traditional class engaged as domestic servants and laborers, etc.
Negative effects of Caste system: Caste system has many disadvantages such as:

Encourages untouchability,
Promotes Inequality,
Undemocratic in nature,
Fake differentiation in superiority and inferiority.
Increases gap between upper and lower caste people.
Caste system is also a danger towards the National integration of the country. Caste system is a major cause for many inhuman and immoral social practices such as untouchability, child marriage, sati system, prostitution, etc.


Education will help the people to become aware of the disadvantages of Caste system.
There is a need for widespread social change in favor of equality of human-beings. Caste system can be discouraged through social education in rural areas.
There should be special classes at schools that imparts value and moral education to the children.
Superstitious people are extremely fearful and discourage any change in social norms. Education will help shed away superstition, which in turn, will help shed casteism as well.
With better education and economic progress, people belonging to diverse caste get opportunity to mix and work together. Many of them become friends while working together on a project.

2. Poverty

Introduction: Poverty refers to a situation when people’s basic needs are not fulfilled. When people doesn’t have the necessary food to eat or clothes to wear or shelter to stay then its called poverty. Life becomes very difficult for people with income is below the poverty line (BPL).

The causes, effects and solutions for poverty in India are discussed below:

Causes: The major reasons or causes of poverty are:

People don’t get proper education which leads to poverty. People are poor because they are illiterate, and they are illiterate because they cannot afford education. Illiteracy and poverty stays side-by-side. They both are the cause and effect of each other.
In case where the resources and opportunities are limited and the population is high, there arises a situation of joblessness which ultimately leads to poverty.
When a large number of people live in poverty, there is limited scope for the development of country’s economy.
Some natural and environmental problems such as lack of rainfall, drought, etc. often lead to poverty. There are many other reasons also like caste system, unemployment, etc.
Effects: The negative effects of poverty are mentioned below:

Poor people will always have to depend on others to survive.
Low quality foods may leads to bad nutrition.
Poor people have less liberty for the choice of profession.
Poverty may affect the moral and self-esteem of people living in extreme hardship.
Poverty also results in building stress which ultimately affects the relationship of people.
The low standard of living prevails among poor people.
Solutions: The solutions for poverty are discussed below:

Poverty can be checked by increasing job opportunities. It will decrease the rate of unemployment which ultimately results in decrease of poverty in economy.
Government should take more steps towards charity, trusts and have some transparency while spending money in those social institutions.
There is a need for initiatives of paid leave to the workers.
The education system should be reformed and initiatives should be taken to bring more children to schools.

3. Child labour

Introduction: Child labour is a system of involving children in any economic activity. Children at the age of playing engage themselves into economic activity for their family. Child labour can be seen throughout the country in a wide way.

The causes, effects and solution of Child labour are briefly mentioned below:

Causes: The major causes of child labour in India are:

Illiteracy, and
Low standard of living.
If the above problems can be resolved from the Indian society, then the country will have less social issues.

Due to unemployment of the parents, children do not get proper education and are forced to get involved in child labour. Educated people are less likely to engage their child as child labours. In general, educated people want to keep up a certain level of standard and live a respectable life. On the contrary, poor and illiterate people are not even aware of the evil effects of child labour.

Effects: The negative effects or major disadvantages of child labour include:

Child labour is an inhuman practice. The mental growth of the children engaged in child labour is checked.
Children get less time and opportunity to go to school. They are deprived from education which makes them illiterate.
Child labour obstructs personal growth. The standard of living of people remains low.
Child labour destroys their childhood.
Children are the future pillars of the economy and involving them into child labour will only make those pillars weak. Ultimately, child labour affects the country’s growth.
Solution: The main solution to child labour is:

Imparting education and knowledge to children.
If incomes of the parents can be increased then it is possible for the children’s to get education.
Government will have to take more steps towards proper enforcement of labour laws.
People who are employed and are above the poverty line should take steps towards replacing child workers with adult workers. It will benefit not only the society, but the country at large.

4. Child marriage

Introduction: Child marriage refers to the marriage of individuals below the prescribed limit of age. Marriage is to be considered legal as per the Indian Law, when the groom’s age is 21 and above and bride’s age is 18 and above.

Though, child marriage has caused problems to both and boys and girls, the most severe victims of the evil practice are the girls.

The causes, effects and solutions for the social problem of child marriage are given below:

Causes: The causes or the main reason behind the child marriage is the poor economic condition of the family of the marriage parties.

Besides there are other reasons also for child marriage like illiteracy, providing security to their daughters by marrying them to secured person, child trafficking, etc.

Negative effects of child marriage: The negative effects of child marriage include the following:

Due to child marriage, the girls become pregnant at an early age. Since their bodies are not properly developed to have kids, it may lead to early maternal death. In many of the cases, the infant baby’s health doesn’t seem good.
Child marriage also leads to illiteracy and poverty. A girl who is married at an early age is deprived of opportunities for education and personal growth.
Due to less compatibility and understanding, relationship between the couples hampers.
Solution: Education is the only and the best way to stop child marriage. Educated people from society should raise voice against child marriage.

Gender equality and women education is very important to stop the evil practice of child marriage. The girls become extremely dependent upon her parents because of lack of education. As such, she is not in a position to speak against the will of her parents. If a girl gets equal opportunity to get educated, then she will be in a better position to decide, what that is best for her future.

Government should take steps to enforce the laws on child marriage. The problem of child marriage can be solved by raising awareness about the disadvantages of child marriage.

5. Illiteracy

Introduction: Illiteracy refers to the inability to read and/or write. The problem of illiteracy is a major social issue in India. The problem has spread through-out the country in a wide way. It is one of the most dangerous obstacles in the economy’s growth.

The major causes, negative effects and solutions of the problem of Illiteracy in India are discussed below:

Reason: The major reasons of illiteracy in India are discussed below:

Since many adults in India are illiterate, they don’t understand the importance of getting education for their children.
Due to the problem of unemployment and poverty, children get little opportunity for proper education.
Many people stay illiterate due to some physical or mental disabilities.
Other social evils like caste system, gender inequality also cause illiteracy.

One of the major cause for crimes is illiteracy. Due to illiteracy issue, rates of crime are gradually increasing and health, productivity and growth of the country is gradually decreasing.
Most illiterate people are unaware of the benefits of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
Illiterate people find it very difficulty to secure a good job and earn livelihood.
Solution: The only and the best way to eradicate illiteracy from the society are by education.

The scheme for mid-day meals at schools is a welcome step.

Government should take steps to promote free education for the backward class of the society in government schools.

Government also look at the matter that people get fair payment for their work. Appropriate steps should be taken to create more employment opportunities for adults, so that they can educate their children by sending them to school.

6. Low status of women

Introduction: Low status of women refers to the inferior position of women (in comparison to men) in the society. This reflects the narrow mindset of the society. It is seen all over the country, but widely prevalent in the backward areas.

The causes, negative impact, and solutions of the problem of low status of women are briefly discussed below:

Causes: Narrow mindset of the society is the main reasons behind this problem. Women in India are considered inferior than men since ages. A large part of the society believes that men are more capable to earn more than their women. It is widely seen that the male members of the family try to control the activities of the female members, which leads to the low status of women.

Negative impact: The negative impact of the lower status of women are:

Women do not get the adequate chance to do something to contribute to the society.
Since the status of women in society is low, people want a boy child instead of a girl child. This intensifies the problem of female foeticide.
Solution: The solution to the problem is:

The empowerment of women is of utmost importance for solving the problem.
Awareness must be created to change the narrow mindset of the society. Campaigns must be launched to acknowledge the role and contribution of women in the society.
Education can also help to solve the problem of low status of women in the society.
Mass-media campaigns should be promoted.

7. Gender inequality at work:

Introduction: Inequality at work refers to any type of discrimination in working environment based on caste, gender, race, color, etc. But gender inequality at work means discrimination or unequal treatment between male and female workers.

Causes: The main reason behind the issue of gender inequality at work is the mindset and culture.

The ego of male members prevents the female members to enjoy equal position at work places. People also do this because of un-awareness.

Impact and effects: The main impact of gender inequality at work is that society gets shrink and deprived of the minds of the female worker. It also gives rise to low status of women issue in the society.

Solution: The solution for social issue of gender inequality at work is in the hands of people themselves. People should start training and impart proper education for gender equality.

People should also change their perception that women will get less salary in comparison to men. For that, people should introduce successful business women as the role model at their workplaces.

8. Dowry system

Introduction: Dowry is one of the most evil practices that are prevalent in the Indian society. Dowry system is actually the transfer of money, property and other valuable assets of bride’s family to the groom’s family on the eve of marriage.

Reason: There are several reasons of prevailing dowry system in the society like:

Tradition of asking for dowry at the time of marriage.
The greed among the family of groom for quick and easy money.
People also ask for dowry for maintaining status.
Disadvantages: The major disadvantages of Dowry system in the society is:

The bride’s family who generally belong to middle and low-class has to face the bitter-side of it. Bride’s family spend lavishly during the marriage. Because of this social evil, some families lose huge money.
Parents often take loan for their daughter’s marriage.
In many cases, by watching the poor situation of their parents, bride becomes mentally affected.
Sometimes, the mental torture due to dowry leads to suicidal tendencies.
Many cases of dowry deaths have been seen in past years.
Emotional torture and divorce are other evil effects of dowry system.
Solution: The solution to stop the practice of this evil system is in our hands only.

People should stop discrimination between a boy and a girl.
Girls should also be allowed to have their education and proper knowledge.
Awareness must be created and for these people with the help of media.
Last, but not the least, parents should change the thoughts of dowry from their mind and children should stand against their family for doing this.

9. Sati System (Sati Practice)

Introduction: Sati system or pratha is one of the cruelest, evil, inhuman and immoral social practices prevailing in our country.

Sati system refers to the act of committing suicide by the widowed women on the funeral pyre of his husband.  This is an inhuman act.

In 1987, Roop Kanwar committed sati at the age of 18. After this incident, both the State and the Central Government enacted acts to abolish the Sati system.

Disadvantages: The main disadvantages are:

Sati System in itself is an inhuman practice.
Women are deprived of their basic right to live their life.
Sati system also shows the domination of men over the women.
Sati system reduces the self-respect of women and brings down the status of women in the society.
Causes: The causes behind the Sati system are:

To maintain the status: As people of high caste were not allowed to marry with low-caste, so after the death of her husband, she was burned alive only to save the status
Sati was also committed to save her sexuality with the other member of the society.
Sati was also practiced by women to show her love and devotion towards her husband.
In the backward areas where widows were treated as untouchables were forced to commit sati.
Solution: The solutions for the evil practice of sati are:

Educating the people through mass communication.
Bringing a change in the perspective of the people that a widow person cannot marry with anyone.
Government has already enacted the Sati Prevention Law. Sati Practice is illegal in India.  The evil is rapidly diminishing from the Indian Society. However, awareness has to be created to stop the sati practice completely.

10. Alcoholism

Introduction: Alcoholism is also known as Alcohol-use-disorder. It is a general term for the problems of uncontrollable consumption of alcohol. It deteriorates the health of the drinker and in medical term, it is considered a disease.

Causes: There are a numerous causes or reasons for alcohol dependence or addiction of alcohol or alcoholism, such as:

Childhood incident which affects badly (trauma),
Peer pressure,
Difficult upbringing and childhood,
Easy availability of alcohol,
Showing off in front of friends,
Spending most of the times with different types of people who are already addicted to alcohol.
Disadvantages: The disadvantage of alcoholism is far more than imagined. They are:

It hampers the drinker in both ways, physically and mentally.
Alcoholism can cause cancer in any parts of the body mainly in kidney, liver, and stomach etc.
It also hampers the digestive system of the body.
Alcoholism can also create depression and behavioral change. This can affect his personal life and his relationships with friends and families.
Solution: The solutions are:

There are many institutions who are working behind the solving the problem of alcohol addiction and Government is also not far behind in this.
Detoxification of the body,
Establishment of rehabilitation and counselling centres for alcohol addicted patients,
It is very important that patient is willing to quit the habit of alcohol. Otherwise any detoxification or rehabilitation also will not able to solve the problem of alcohol addiction.

11. Superstition

Introduction: Superstition refers to the irrational beliefs of supernatural forces. Superstition is one of the major social issues affecting the entire country.

It’s a belief of human beings that there are some supernatural causes behind the bad events. Science doesn’t believe in this type of supernatural causality because science always tries to give scientific explanation for every event. But, deep down inside human beings have their own belief.

There are many superstitions prevailing in the country. Human beings have the tendency to believe bad before the good.

Reason: The main reason behind superstitions is:

Fear: Fear is the main obstacles for everything. Superstition arises due to human fear.
Lack of Knowledge: Basically superstition arises due to lack of knowledge.
Religion, tradition and social practices are others causes of superstition.
Disadvantages: The major disadvantages of being superstitious are:

Fear: People start to think less broadly and always develop constant fear in mind. This fear affects not only the individual but also his family and society.
Waste time and energy: People waste of much time and efforts.
People stop for few seconds whenever they sneeze. All these arise due to human fear and imagination.
Solution: The main solution is to get knowledge and education because knowing nothing causes fear in mind which ultimately arise superstition.

By adjusting or gaining knowledge, mind can develop the reason behind the occurrence of superstition and one can understand very well that these things doesn’t affect anybody’s life.

Also by being always positive, one can get rid of those superstitions.

12. Sanitation and cleanliness

Introduction: Sanitation and cleanliness is a basic problem and one of the important social issues of our country. People should clean their areas and take care of personal hygiene to stay healthy and away from any diseases.

People should clean the areas of keeping food; clean their area of staying to promote cleanliness. People should maintain adequate sewage disposal system so that the public health is not put at risk.

Disadvantages: There are many casualties of not having sanitation and proper cleanliness.

People suffer from various diseases such as diarrhea, malnutrition, dengue, malaria and many more.
It also suffers children’s development.
Reason: The major reason behind this is the carelessness and laziness of people themselves. The people themselves create the problem of dirt and unhealthy environment.

People think of their own only and do not think of others. People do not mind to throw garbage in open areas which may negatively affect the environment.

Solution: The solution is in the hands of the people itself.

People have to start to make their area clean and stay healthy.
People should make a proper area for sanitation so that public health will not suffer.
Mass awareness programmes are already initiated by different institutions, organisations and government bodies to save human race.

13. Religious conflicts

Introduction: Religious conflicts are the most harmful social issues of today. Sometimes violence, war, conflict, etc. arises because of religious fanaticism.

Causes: The causes are briefly discussed as follows:

Difference in beliefs: People belonging to different religions have difference in their beliefs. This difference often leads to conflict.
Poor upbringing: The religious belief of a person has its root in his childhood. People learn what they see. If their ancestors were intolerant towards other religions, then they also do the same thing. Human beings themselves create religious violence.
Lack of education: Illiterate people can be easily mis-guided by people who want to spread violence in the name of religion.
The mindset of some people who think other religions as small often leads to communal conflict. These people try to dominate over people of other religion.
Negative effects: Sometimes conflicts between communities leads to violence and crimes. People become fearful and it affects the overall progress of the country. The lack of communal harmony in society leads to disunity.

Solutions: The solution for religious violence is in the hands of the people only. People should gain proper knowledge and develop better understanding. By removing the thoughts of cruelty, one can correctly judge what’s right or wrong. Awareness must be created and for this media will be very useful.

14. Beggary

Introduction: Beggary is another social problem in our country. People who are in extreme situation of need and poverty are called beggars. The state of being a beggar is called beggary.

Causes: There are many causes behind the beggary problem in India. Some of the reasons behind beggary are poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, social customs, physical disability, mental state, disease and many more.

Impacts and effects: The main disadvantages of beggary is that

Beggars largely depend on what they get from the people and this is in fact a big problem because they start to depend totally on this and stop finding any other source of income.
Now, they have become burden to the society and they in fact forcefully made their children to do the same.
The cruelest part of beggary is that they sometimes allow doing anything to their own body for money. They are sometimes forced to cut their hands or legs.
Solution: Government has to take large initiatives to remove the problem of beggary from the society like providing job security, recruiting more employees in the Governmental sectors and many more. Beggary problem can also be in control if the children who are begging can be put in the Govt. schools for education because education is the main key to eradicate any social problem.

15. Juvenile delinquency

Introduction: Juvenile delinquency is also termed as Teenage Crime. Basically, juvenile delinquency refers to the crimes committed by minors. The crimes by teenage boys or girls are generally done without having proper knowledge of it as they know very little about the world.

Negative effects:  The crimes by minors affects not only the children but to the family  and the society. Children’s are the future generations of the country.  Education of the children is hampered and the status and reputation of the family also goes down. People become less secured and there is always a sense of tension and distress.

Causes: There are numerous reasons behind Juvenile delinquency, such as:

Lack of knowledge: They know very little about the outside world. They sometimes commit crime unknowingly.
Trauma: Trauma of any childhood or teenage incident may have negative effect on mind.
Violent films and movies: Watching any stuff like murder, violence, etc. may again negatively affect the mind of the teenager.
Family Disturbance also cause for the crime.
Solutions: There are many organisations who deal with the problem of Juvenile delinquency. They are established to help those children who are involved in it. They increase their thinking ability and decision-making skills. They start to understand the meaning of Juvenile delinquency and the results of it. There are rehabilitation centres and consultancies also run by the Government who treat those children and make them a good person.

Essay on Problem of Dowry System

Dowry System ( Dahej Pratha)

Dowry System is known as “Dahej Pratha” in Hindi.

Dowry refers to the amount of money and other valuables brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.

In modern age, even in this age of science and technology, many evil practices are prevalent in our society. These evil practices are early marriage and also the dowry system.

Dowry as part of marriage consideration is prohibited by law in India. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 was enacted to help the women who are victim of Dowry System.

Evil effects of Dowry System

In modern age, still in different cities, towns and in villages, the dowry system is going to be practiced.

Even in poor families sometimes the father of an young bride had to take loan from the bank to pay the demand of a groom.

Though anti-dowry bill has been passed in the parliament, it is not yet practically implemented.

Sometimes young brides commit suicide for the torture.
Dowry System in India

Dowry System is the one of the worst problem in Indian Society. It does not only affect the individual victims, the brides, but the entire social fabric which was created to help realize the aspirations of both the individuals and the collective. The brides as sacrificial goats only show the canker that spreads all over this social fabric.

Dowry System has its root in the attitude of Indian society towards women. However reverential we may be in our references to the women, our mothers, daughters, sisters and wives, the society has done very little to end the servility of women to men. The Indian women do not really have any will of their own, nor do they have any aspirations beyond serving and humoring their men. In spite of the social bonds the women are treated, even today, with pity and nobody thinks of giving them equal status with men.

Sometimes people talk about social injustice of dowry system but there are just like many of our annual rituals and exercises in futility.

When the question of marrying the girls comes, the parents are the unhappiest creatures on earth. The only problem is not to find a groom suitable for the girl, but to meet demand of dowry. Even after the marriage the bride’s parents have to shut their mouth in front of the groom and his family. Many times often girl is tortured, slighted and humiliated for no fault of hers but because the dowry she brings is not rich enough. The custom is that the bridegroom’s parents would be made richer and the bride’s the poorer, so the bride must suffer if the dowry fails to make the bridegroom’s parents rich. At her in-law’s place, she must be prepared to suffer silently and stoically. She knows well enough that the women are born to suffer and it is a sin to protest against their destiny.

However, in a civilized society it is a shame that the happiness of our women are dependent of the quantum of dowry and other valuable materials that she brings from her parents to her husband’s home. When almost every day we read in the newspapers the news about bride-burning, we cannot but find our civilization to be a fake one, all those stories about our progress seem to be told by an idiot and they mean nothing.

It appears that brides are not humans, they do not have the feelings or dreams or natural desire to be loved. The husbands and the in-laws treat them as mere bundles of rich dowry. Unfortunately this attitude to the brides has proved demoralizing enough to have their hopes withered and the dreams blighted. Today many of the grooms only dream of netting of the bigger fish and if the brides are found to be bringing with them a small fortune they feel deceived and frustrate. The wedding does not create a bond of love for them. Sometimes the brides may refuse to be servile and to submit without protesting. But that only leaves them involved in some sort of scandal, which even the organized movements cannot bust, and consequently very often they are made to commit suicide.

Status of women in the society:

Females in India are numerically fewer than the males. In practical field the plight of women in India is pitiable now-a-days. Girls and women constitute Indian’s largest oppressed section. Indeed they are some of the staunchest upholders in a family set-up where not only women but girls are expected to bear the entire domestic drudgery, perform most of the parental duties as mother and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their offspring.

Dowry Laws:

Section 304-B of the Indian Penal code lays down that where the death of a women is caused by any burns or bodily injury or occurs otherwise than under normal circumstances within seven years of her marriage, such death shall be ‘dowry death’, and such husband or relative shall be deemed to have caused her death.

It is very good that the law has been imposed to protect the victims of dowry system but in adequate practices strengthen the oppressors. As for the parents of the girl, their guilt in marrying off their girl child to a dowry-hunter and thereafter shut their eyes to the plight of their daughter in her husband’s home is not punishable in law to some extent.


So what is the remedy of this evil practice of this dowry system?

Only all the women should be unitedly fight against this evil system.

Women commission and all the different women forums should find out such causes of dowry system and punish those greedy guardians who encourage this system.

The most effective remedy is to bring consciousness against this evil system through education and social awareness.

There is also the necessity of spreading of women’s education to fight against the dowry system.

Essay on Drought


It’s meaning: Drought is a condition of no rains when the standing crops, mostly rain-fed, gets dried up and is destroyed.

While India is a country rich in natural resources and manpower, she is still far behind other developed countries of the world in matters of conquering the forces of nature.

The vagaries of the Indian climate are a veritable obstruction in the path of her property and well-being. She is often visited by long spells of drought or abundance of rains causing floods.


The situation of drought arises when there is long spell of severe water shortages. The causes of drought includes the followings:

Scarcity of rain-fall.

Lack of irrigation facilities to supplement the need for water during the period of inadequate monsoon.

Lack of properly developed Rain-water harvesting methods

Lack of proper planning to deal with the situation.

Widespread deforestation and cutting of trees has reduced the ability of soil to hold water. Lack of underground water is a major cause for droughts.

Evil effects of drought: Like floods, drought is a grave natural calamity that affects Indian life, its agriculture, industry, and economy.

Wells, tanks and canals get dried and even the cattle die without water. Farmers and daily wage-earners leave their homes and migrate into other parts of the country in search of employment.

Famine breaks out people face untold miseries and hardships. The cruelty of the angry rain-god, as most of the people in rural areas are prone to believe, makes them suffer from disease and starvation. Poverty and squalor become their inseparable companions.

Sometimes, their tales of sadness and sorrow grow beyond proportion when they find that sowing the seeds for growing Rabi crops becomes impossible due to drought condition. This results in famine conditions.

Industry suffers a setback due to the scarcity of raw materials produced by agriculture. Already there is a substantial shortfall in industrial production. This combined with the demand of increased wages by the workers, puts the industrialists on the horns of a dilemma and some industries face closure.

The impact of drought is even in the social field. Faced by hunger and frustrated by uncertain future, many of our people indulge into illegal practices creating law and order problem for the government.

Solution: To tackle the problem of drought in our country, the following solutions are suggested.

The water of most of the ponds, ditches and rivers are dried up during summer. After summer comes rainy season of monsoon and rains give a great relief from the unbearable heat. But if it does not rain for a longer period than usual – the condition is called drought.

The people of the villages who have to live on agriculture only are most affected. It brings disaster on their lives.

The soil of the fields become so dry that it is split in pieces and the agricultural land become unploughable. So no crops can be grown.

At present days even farmers have to depend on rain water for cultivation.

People of the villages face a great difficulty for having drinking water as the wells and ponds dry up. They are compelled to drink polluted water and as result diseases like cholera breakout and people die like animals.

The cattle have nothing to eat. They fall prey of hunger, thirst and different diseases.

Drought for a prolonged period brings famine and village people leave their homes in search of food.

It brings a lot of misery on the lives of rural people. So it is regarded as a curse.

The summer starts in India from the beginning of March and continues up to June. Up to February the rays of the sun are soothing and we like to bask in the sun. But in March the season changes. The sun-rays become hotter day by day and we begin to get perspiration. The entire earth becomes heated in this season.

Morning: In summer, the few hours of the morning are pleasant. In March the sun does not become too hot before noon. But by April the sun becomes hot by 10 a.m.

Afternoon: The sun becomes very hot by noon in May and June and scorching winds also begin to blow. People cannot come out of their homes and all work remains suspended till evening. They cannot work even inside their houses because of heat. Moreover, they do not feel energetic and a sort of dullness comes over them. They feel sleepy in the afternoon. They shut all doors and take rest in the coolest part of the building.

Evening and Night: People do not get relief even in the evening and at night. They cannot sleep comfortably at night on account of heat.

The hot wind causes much thirst, but people cannot get cool water. People become very tired and their throats get parched.
Rivers, streams and ponds dry up and cause scarcity of water. It adds to the difficulty of the people.
Even birds and beasts feel thirsty and run from place to place in search of water.
Many people, birds, and beasts die as a result of sunstroke.
Many fatal diseases, such as cholera, small-pox, etc. breaks out in the summer season.
The plants, herbs and shrub get dried up because of the scorching sun and hot winds.

All our efforts should be made to preserve rain waters in various ways and tap ground water sources to meet unexpected drought situations.
Improved rain-water harvesting methods should be deployed.
The people should be educated regarding the importance of water, so that they do-not misuse the stored water
New improved methods of irrigation should be introduced.
Deforestation should be discouraged to increase the ability of the soil to hold water.
Conclusion: It is high time that the government mobilized all its resources to provide succor to the people in this hour and fight the monster of drought with determination. It has not yet devised ways and means to face and fight natural calamities.

Deforestation in India

Deforestation in India

This article discusses the various aspects of deforestation in India. A brief note to the highly successful ‘Chipko movement’ is also given for better understanding of the subject.

What is the meaning Deforestation?

Deforestation means the cutting down of trees without realizing its manifold evils and destructive effects.

Deforestation refers to:

the removal or cutting down of forest trees, and transformation of natural vegetation and forests into clear land,
without making any arrangement for the replenishment or re-plantation of the forest trees.

In simple words, deforestation refers to the deliberate process of destroying the forests, so that the clear land may be put to other use.

What are the causes of Deforestation?

The most important causes of deforestation is human ignorance and greed. Ignorant people were not aware of the harmful effects of cutting down the trees. Greedy people continued to clear forests for their own selfish interest.

Besides uncontrollable degradation of environment, forests in India were cleared for

agriculture and farming,
for wood,
for establishment towns and cities.
At hilly areas, trees were cut to make the slopes fit for agriculture.

The wood derived out of the Trees are used for :

for fuel wood,
for timber used in construction of houses and in the making of furniture,
for raw material used in industries on a large-scale, and
to provide fodder for cattle and other animals.
What are the harmful effects of Deforestation?

The exploitation of forests (deforestation) is has been done in the past in the name of so-called human welfare and development.

The past century saw massive deforestation in India. In India, many wild animals and birds are have become rare species due to massive deforestation.

Forests are nature’s protective shield, but this shield is being eroded by human folly and greed. As Gandhiji once said, ‘Nature has enough for everybody’s need but not for everybody’s greed’. Indiscriminate felling of trees is destructive and contra-productive and urgent steps are called for to put down this evil with a heavy hand.

Indiscriminate cutting of trees leads to the following situation, viz.

disturbs the ecological balance,
causes environmental pollution,
soil erosion and landslides,
water sources may get dried,
climatic changes.
Present scenario in India

Due to deforestation, the forest cover of India has fallen below the minimum recommended level. According to experts, forests should cover about one-third of the total area of country. But in India forests covers around 24% of the total area.

Satellite pictures show that India has gained a forest area of 5,871 square kilometer during the period between 2010 and 2012. However, the increase in forest area is not even throughout the country. In some places, forests land is being used for various development projects like dams, industries, roads and agriculture.

Chipko Movement – The movement against deforestation.

“Chipko Movement” was the movement against deforestation. Realizing the devastating effect that deforestation cause to the environment, this movement voices in support for forest conservation.

The parent organization of this movement is ‘The Dasholi Gram Swarajya Mandal’. The Mandal has carried on extensive programme of educating the people in the evil effects of deforestation and the urgent need of sanity and balance in this respect.

The evil of deforestation was highlighted by environmental activists. They embraced the trees which were about to be cut and thus created public awareness about the need of forest preservation.

Multi-point program to stop deforestation: The Chipko Movement has a multi-point programme to stop the deforestation process. It requires that:

Forest areas affected by landslides and soil erosion, as well as forest areas that are crucial for conservation of water resources, should be identified and conserved.
The least needs of the people living near the forests and customarily using them for their survival economy should be established and the administration should be such that these rights are exercised easily by them.

The people living in the area should be entrusted with the responsibility of the development and conservation of forests as well as of using them in a sane, balanced and judicious manner.
The government has the necessary expertise, but the apathy and indifference of government staff has come in the way of effective implementation of any forest-preservation programme.

Forests are essential for the sustainability of planet earth. Forests command great influence on the climate, soil, and environment of our world.

Why save the forest?

We should save forests as a protection against floods and famines. Forests prevent floods and reduce soil erosion by regulating the flow of water.

Adequate forest cover also ensures a sustainable and safe environment. Forest helps in increasing the humidity of the air and cause greater rainfall.

They also help in increasing the soil fertility. They protect the adjoining crops by reducing the velocity of the storms.

How to save forests?

We can Save forests stopping the cutting of trees (stop deforestation), establishing new forests (afforestation) and reestablishing old forests (reforestation).

We can save the forests through a balanced comprehensive and well-thought out plan.

Fresh trees should be planted and in this way the trees that are cut should be replaced.
Planting of trees should be a constant progress.
Besides, trees that are planted must be of the right type. They should be such that can prevent soil erosion, check floods, and air pollution.
They should also be such that grow and mature rapidly and whose wood can be used for the purpose of construction and for making furniture, etc.
New varieties of trees should be developed to achieve these ends.
Grass and fodder should be grown near the fields in which the people work so that they may use them easily according to their need.
Planned afforestation should be undertaken in needed areas.

Importance Of Good Habits


The importance of good habits lies in the fact that if you if you practice good habits, it will take form of your character and vice versa.

Habits becomes part of our nature. We should inculcate good habits in our life. The great philosopher Plato scold a lad for gambling with nuts, and the boy replied, “You are scolding me for a very small matter“. The great philosopher gravely said, my boy, habit is not concerned small matter. Plato was here speaking out of the very depth of his great experience of human nature.

A man with good habits plays an important role in the development of the society. He is an asset to the society at large.

It is important to understand that if  you once allow a bad habit to grow, it becomes a part of our nature. A particular habit is, and can be, acquired acting always in a particular way. Therefore, we should form good habits such as reading, studying, morning walking, early rising, eating healthy foods, etc. We should stay away from bad habits such as smoking, procrastination, etc.

Right conduct will become a habit, if a person spends his life in the practice of virtue. Habits changes into character.

It is much more difficult to get rid of a bad habit than to acquire a good habit. Hence, if, therefore, we develop a bad habit it will become impossible to get rid of that habit, for that will need a much greater sacrifice. When anybody takes us to task for a bad habit, we often say that we will not do again; and we will bring in a new chapter on the tomorrow. But that to-morrow never comes. For on the tomorrow we again put off correction, and thus, in the words of the poet, we become “dupes of to-morrow”. That means that the bad habit is permanently ingrained in our nature and correction becomes almost impossible.

For example

once a person developed the habit of smoking, then it is extremely difficult to get rid of the habit of smoking. Thus, we should keep away from bad habits in the first place. Hence, lies the importance of good habits in our life.

Good habits leads to successful character. Bad habits not only prevent success in life, but also it leads to the degeneration of character. It is attended with other vices which undermine the foundations of our character.

Good habits create virtues. On the other hand, with bad habits comes idleness, undutifulness, loss of capacity to work hard. A person, whose habits are good, will generally be found to be methodical, preserving and dutiful. He regards life from a more serious standpoint. He builds his life on the strongest foundation. Therefore, good habits should be inculcated early during child life.

List of Good Habit: 

Here is a quick list of good habits that we can practice in our life.

Wake up early in the morning. It is said that “Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
We should go for morning walk each morning. It helps us to remain fit and healthy.
Brush your teeth regularly.
Take bath everyday.
Read good books that inspires us in a positive manner.
Offer prayer to God in the morning.
Eat healthy food that nourishes our body and mind.
Engage in physical exercise, aerobics, yoga, etc.
Do meditation for some time.
Time is money. We should be punctual in our duties.
We should maintain time while going to school, office, and for scheduled appointments.
We should be obedient to our teachers, seniors, and elders.
Keep our clothes clean and tidy.
We should throw wastes in dustbin only.
We should try to develop of the habit of thinking positive.

The food that we eat helps in building our body. We must take such food as will develop and build our muscles and nerves, all the various parts of the body. Not every eatable thing is equally good for this purpose. In addition, these are some things, which may make us physically strong but mentally dull. So be careful of the quality of food taken.

The quantity of food is even more important. Too much of even a good thing is bad. We have several kinds of work to do; we have several organs, and want several kinds of food. Too much of the same kind will not do. Moreover, our stomachs can digest only a certain quantity of food. They cannot digest more. The organs cannot use undigested food.

In fact, indigestion is the cause of a good deal of sickness. If a thing tastes well, you like to eat plenty of it. That is not good.

Do any of you know how often you have fallen ill by eating too much sweet? When you fall ill, the doctor not only gives you medicine, but also very often puts you under ‘diet”.

We eat not just to satisfy the tongue. We eat to keep up the various organs of the body in working order. As long as we live, the body is doing work. Even in sleep, some parts of the body are very busy. After some hard work, we get tired; by taking food, we become again fresh and vigorous. The food gives strength to every muscle and every limb.


In the ordinary business life, it is said that an ounce of habit is worth a pound of intellect. Most of our activities follow a set pattern, a well marked groove. Habits set this pattern from this groove. Hence, if we have acquired useful habits, it means a great economy of energy. We are spared the trouble of thinking out every step that we take, we act mechanically, and the energy saved is better employed in dealing with more important affairs of life in which an active intellect is an asset.

Importance of Cleanliness in Our Life

It is rightly said ‘cleanliness is next to godliness.’ Cleanliness means keeping our body, mind and everything around us clean. This is a good habit. It should be cultivated from early life.
Cleanliness refers to the habitual acts of keeping the dirt away, to maintain good health, following both personal and environmental hygiene practices. In simple words, it refers to the state of being clean.

Cleanliness of body is essential for good health. It is said that dirt and disease always go together. So for keeping good health we should have regular bath, we should clean our body, clothes and surroundings. We should also avoid dirty food.
Men of clean habits are liked by all. All dislike and avoid dirty men. Their dirty habits spread the germs of disease. Cleanliness of the body brings about the purity of mind. A neat and clean body with a clean mind is the abode of god.

How to maintain cleanliness?

1. We should always throw waste in the dustbin. Besides making the roads dirty, these wastes also creates the problem of water logging. Water logging makes the place dirty. There arises hygiene and sanitation issues.
2. We should keep the dirt away.
3. We should keep clean the place where potable water is stored.
4. Cooked food should be kept covered.
5. We should keep the water bodies free from pollutants.
6. We should keep environment clean.
7. We should never do such things that pollutes or contaminates the environment in any way.
8. We should wear washed clothes every day.
9. We should take a shower both in the morning and at night.
10. We should clean homes daily.
11. The public areas such roads, parks, railway stations, etc. should be kept clean.
12. We should wash our hands before and after having food.
13. We should use a hand sanitizer before and after touching patients at hospitals.
14. Before retiring to sleep, we should wash our face, hands, and legs to let go the dirt.
15. Cleanliness is important for healthy mind, body and spirit. Our first duty is to be clean. Every morning, as soon as you get up, you must clean your teeth, and wash your face, and your hands and feet.

After your body, you must look into your clothes. You should always wear clean clothes. Now, do not mistake rich clothes for clean clothes. You may have a very costly coat of flannel or tweed, and it may be very dirty. Another boy may wear only a thin shirt, and it may be clean. In India, we do not want too much woolen clothing. We use mostly cotton clothes; and these can be washed easily.
What prevents you, then, from being clean? It is not because you are poor, for you do not require any money at all to keep your body clean, and you want very little to keep your clothes tidy. One boy says, he has no time; but does anybody believe his words? No; he must set apart some time for bathing and washing his clothes. The fact is some boys get into the bad habit of being dirty.
We should get into the habit of being clean. Many boys and girls when they write with ink and pen soil their fingers. With a little care and effort they can avoid it.

Hence, you should always maintain cleanliness.

Health is the normal and sound state of the body. This is a great source of peace and happiness.

Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body free from any disorder, sickness or ailment. In simple words, health refers to the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of a person.

Hygiene refers to the good practices that prevent diseases and leads to good health, especially through cleanliness, proper sewage disposal, and supply of safe drinking water. It refers to all those activities that are done for improving and preserving, maintaining sound health.

The proverb says that health is wealth. It is truly said that of all things in the world health is the most valuable that one can possess. Money is no doubt a pleasant thing. However, it can give no pleasure to a man of ruined health. As body and mind are closely connected, the mind cannot be sound and cheerful without sound health.

Value and benefits of Good Health: Life is a great struggle, and health is the best weapon to be successful in the battle of life. A healthy man can enjoy life in every way. An unhealthy man lives a most miserable life. He may have intelligence, merit and wealth, but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits.

Hygiene Habits for Good Health

Pure water: Pure water is another source of good health. A great deal of sickness is caused by using impure water. People in villages often bathe, and wash clothes and cattle in tanks. If this water is used for drinking purposes, it may bring disastrous diseases. To make water pure it should be boiled, so that it may not do any harm.
Balanced and Nutritious food: Wholesome food keeps our health good. A part of the food we take serves as fire to keep the body warm; another part forms flesh to give us strength. Pure milk is the most nutritious food. Vegetables and many other things that we generally take are nutritious food. A mixed diet is the best food for us. Stale and rotten food is dangerous for health. Meals should be taken at fixed times. Over-eating causes many diseases. Special care is necessary about food when any epidemic prevails.

We must learn proper hygiene practices to preserve our health. Too much work or exercise, eating or drinking are injurious to health. A regulated life is very helpful to a sound health. Above all, the mind too, must be kept clean and pure.

Thursday 28 July 2016

Airtel Free Internet Trick 3G Working

Hello Dosto Aaj Me Aapke Liye Free Internet Ke Liye Bilkul Latest Trick Lekar Aaya Hu Yeh Only Airtel Users Ke Liye Hai Waise To Hum Jannte Hi Hai Ki Vpn Free Internet Se Slow Speed Milti Hai But Aaj Jo Trick Me Share  Karne Jaa Raha Hu Wo 3G Speed Me Chalega,

Kuch Log Mannte Hai Ki Free Net Wagera Kuch Nhi Hota But Hota Hai Kabhi Try To Karo Proxy, Vpn Ki Ferbadal Karke Aasani Se Chalaya Jaa Sakta Hai


• Airtel Sim Jisme Balance Rs.0 Ho
• Droid Vpn Ki Android App Yeh Aapko Playstore Me Aasani Se Mil Jaygi
• Or... Thoda Sa Mind Or Thodi Si Kossis


• Aapko 250 Mb Rojana Milega
• Yeh Bar Bar Disconnected Nhi Hoga
• 2G+3G Speed Milegi Or...Bhi Bahut Kuch  !!


Yeh Trick Aap Niche Ke Steps Ko Follow Kar Aasani Se Use Kar Sakte Hai Or Airtel 3G Free Internet Chala Sakte Hai Usse Pahle Dekh Le Ki Aapke Sim Me Balance Rs.0 Ho

Step-1 Sabse Pahle PlayStore Se "Droid Vpn" Download Kar Lo

Step-2 Download Ho Jane Ke Bad Droid Vpn App Me New Account Bna Lo Or Login Kar Lo

Step-3 Ab Aapke Samne Ek Popup Window Open Hoga Waha Par Aapko "I Trust This Application" Par Tick Lagakar "Ok" Par Click Kare

Step-4 Yeh Sab Ho Jane Ke Baad "Settinggs" Me Jaye Or  "Tcp"  Kare

Step-5  Ab "Http Header" Par Click Karo Or  Host:

 Yeh Likhkar Kar Save Karo

Step-6 Yeh Sab Ho Jane Ke Bad Aapko Badaa Sa "Connect" Ka Button Dikhayi Dega Uss Par Click Kare 5 Second Me "Connected" Ho Jayga

Or Ishi Tarah Aap Free Internet Chala Sakte Hai Or Aap Har Din 250 Mb Tak Data Use Kar Sakte Hai

Too Dosto Kaisi Lagi Yeh Trick Ager Aapko Achi Lage To Share Or Comment Jarur Kar De

Wednesday 27 July 2016

How To Change System Fonts In Android Device

Aap Sab Jante Hi Hai Ki OS Me Mobile Or Teblets Ke Liye Android Hi Sabse Acha OS Hai Yeh Hame Bahut Acche Ache Features Deta Hai Par Aaj Bhi Aap Aapne Device Me Simple Fonts Ka Istemaal Kar Rahe Hai Par Aaj Me Aapko Is Article Me Batauga Ki Kis Tarah Se Hum Aapne Android Device Ka System Fonts Ko Badal Kar Stylish Font Istemaal Kar Sakte Hai

Waise Bhi Jab Aap Rojana Aapne Mobile Ke Bor Kar Dene Wale Simple Fonts Ko Dekhte Hai To Jarur Sochte Hoge Ki Kis Tarah Se Hum Inhe Badal Pate Or Inki Jagah Par Cool Or Stylish Font Set Kar Pate, Waise Samsung Me Font Change Karne Ka Option Hota Hai Baki Device Me Nhi Hota Ager Aapko Aapne Android Device Ko New Look Dena Hai Too Aapko Yeh Article Ko Pure Carefully Padhna Hoga.


Me Aapko Bata Du Ki Aapko Aapne System Font Badlne Ke Liye Kis Kis Ki Jarurat Hogi

• Rooted Android Device
• Ifont Android App
• Android Ke Bare Me Basic Jankari


Ab Me Aapko Niche Steps Se Batauga Ki Aap Kis Tarah Se Aapne Mobile Phone Ke Fonts Badal Sakte Hai Or Me Aapko Yeh Bhi Bata Du Ki Yeh Koi Risky Trick Nhi Hai

Step-1 Sabse Pahle Aapne Android Device Ko "Root" Kar Le Or Me Aapko Bata Du Root Karna Bahut Hi Aasan Hai Yeh Kaam Ho Jane Ke Bad Aap Unroot Bhi Kar Sakte Hai
Yeh Padho — How To Root Android

Step-2 Root Ho Jane Ke Bad Aap Playstore Se "I font" App Download Kar Le

Step-3 Ab IFont App Download Ho Jane Ke Bad App Ko Open Kare Ab Aapke Samne "Font List" Aayegi Waha Se Aapni Pasand Ke Font Par Click Kare

Step-4 Ab Aapke Samne Uss Font Ko Download Karne Ka Option Aayega, Aap Download Kar Le

Step-5 Download Ho Jane Ke Bad "Set" Par Click Kare

Step-6 Ab Root Ka Ek Pop-up Window Khulega Ussko "Allow" Karo

Ab 5 Second Bad Aapka System Font Change Ho Jayga Or Ab Aap Ifont Or Root Application Ko Uninstall Kar Sakte Hai Yeh Koi Risky Work Nhi Hai Dayan Rakhe Ki Font Aapne Acha Choose Kiya Hai Kabhi Kabhi Esha Hota Hai Kuch Log "Chinese Font" Set Kar Dete Hai Or Bad Me Unhe Dikkat Hoti Hai Isliye Aapne Font Ko Ache Se Chunne Or Enjoy Kare

Mujhe Umeed Hai Aapko Yeh Article Jarur Pasand Aaya Hoga Ise To Ise Aapne Friends Ko Share Kare Or Comments Bhi Kare..

Sunday 24 July 2016

Facebook Id Verified Karne Ke Liye Fake Govt Proof Kaise Bnaye.

Hello Dosto Aajkal Facebook Par Id Verified Bnane Ka Bahut Hi Craze Chal Raha Hai Ab Fake Proof Bnakar Bhi Facebook Id Verified Kar Rahe Hai Par Dikkat Yaha Aati Hai Ki Id Verified Karne Ke Liye Govt Proof Bnaye Kaise Or Font Konsa Use Kre Or Kaise Adjustment Kre Or Blank Proof Kaha Se Laye Or Kis App Se Edit Kre....Yeh Question Sabhi Ka Hota Hai Par Yeh Ek Article Un Sab Sawaalo Ka Jawaab Hai..

Mujhe Facebook Or WhatsApp Par Sabhi Aksar Sabhi Yahi Sawaal Puchte Hai Ki Proof Kaise Bnata Hai Par Aaj Is Article Me Main Yahi Batauga Ki Picsart Me Proof Kaise Bnaye...

Note:- Yeh Work Hi Hard Hai Mujhe Pta Hai Ager Kahi Dikkat Aaye To Comment Kar Sakte Hai Kyuki Esa Post Pahle Likha Nhi Gya Hai Me Chahuga Ki Me Aapna Best Knowledge Share Kru..


Ager Aap Is Field Me New Hai To PicsArt Bahut Hi Acha Platform Hai Proof Editing Ka Isliye Me Yaha Aapko Picsart Ko Though Batauga...Waise Aap Phonto, Or Bahut Sari Apps Ko Is Kaam Me Use Kar Sakte Hai Mere Knowledge Se Picsart Best Hai Ager Pc Me Bnana Hai To Photoshop Acha Hai Or Ager Aap Java Nokia User Hai To Aap Bhi Ab Proof Mobile Me Bna Sakte Hai Par Iske Liye Aapko "PhotoshopMobile" Is Name Ki (.Jar) Java Application Download Karni Hogi


Picsart Me Custum Font Use Karna

Ab Aap Custom Font Install Karna Sikh Hi Gye Hoge Ab Me Aapko Batata Hu Kon Konse Font Kis Proof Me Use Hote Hai Or Sabhi Ka Yahi Sawal Rahta Hai Ki Proof Bnate Time Kon Konse Font Ka Istemaal Kre

Proof Type Font Type

Aadhar Card -  Arial
Passport -  Oswalad
Pan Card -  Hevtelica Bold
Marksheet -  Hevtelica Bold
School Card -  Arial/Droid Sans

Ab Aapko Uper Ki List Se Pta Chal Hi Gya Hoga Ki Govt Proof Me Konsa Font Use Kre

Yeh Trick Only Un Users Ke Liye Hai Jinka Facebook Account Block Ho Gya Hai Or Account Me Fake Information Hone Ke Karan Recover Nhi Kar Paa Rahe Par I Hope Yeh Post Aapke Shamjh Jarur Aayega Es Post Me Aapko Wo Sab Btauga Jo Ek Real Proof Editor Ke Liye Jaruri Hai

Warning :- Yeh Proofs Kewal Id Verify Kar Sakte Hai Inse Or Jayada Kuch Nhi Kiya Jaa Sakta Or Yeh Me Knowledge Ke Liye Bataya Hai Iska Koi illegal Use Na Kre....

Facebook Bahut Hi Popular Social Network Hai Or Bahut Log Iska Istemaal Karte Hai

Saturday 23 July 2016

Mini Militia Mobile Game Full Guide

Aaj Kal Sabhi Ke Pas Smartphone Hai Or Sabhi Ko Gaming Ka Shonk Hota Hai Mujhe Pta Hai Aapko Bhi Jarur Hai Aaj Me Yaha Par Ek Bahut Hi Acha Game Share Karuga Jo Bahut Hi Jayada Interesting Game Hai

Doodle Army 2: 

Mini Militia Ek Bahut Hi Jayada Interesting Game Hai Or Ise 10 Lakh Se Bhi Jayada Logo Ne Play Store Se Diwnload Kiya Hai Or Ise Hum Ghar Par Beth Kar Aapne Friend Ke Sath Hotspot Se Connect Kar Multiplayer Game Khel Sakte Hai Es Game Ko Shooting Based Par Bnaya Gya Hai Or Ek Time Me 12 Player Hotspot Se Judhkar Aasani Se Khel Sakte Hai

Download Mini Militia Mobile Game

1. Download Mini Militia Unlimited Health Cracked Version 
2. Download Mini Militia Non Hd And Normal Skin & Background
3. Download Mini Militia Fully Cracked New Skin, New Hd Background, Fully Modified



Ab Me Aapko Yaha Par Batauga Ki Kis Tarah Hum Without Internet Is Game Ko Multiplayer Bnakar Aapne Dosto Ke Sath Ghar Par Khel Sakte Hai Me Niche Tutorial De Raha Hu Dayan Se Padhe
Sabse Pahle First Friend Aapna Hotspot "On" Kar Le Or 2nd dost "Wi-Fi" Open Kare Or Aapne Friend Ke Hotspot Se "Connected" Ho Jaye..Ab Ab Niche Ke Steps Dayan Se Padhe


1. Jisne Hotspot "On" Kar Rakha Hai Wo Mini Militia Game Open Kare
2. Ab "Multi-player" Select Kare
3. Ab Aapke Samne "Death Match" Ka Option Hoga Us Par Click Kare
4. Ab "Len Wifii" Par Jaye
5. Ab "Hoost" Par Click Kare Or shuru Kare Or Ready" Kare
Note:- Dayan Rahe Aapka Hotspot "On" Hona Chaiye


1. Jisne  Hotspot Join Kar Rakha Hai Wo Mini Militia Game Open Kare
2. Ab "Multi --player" Select Kare
3. Ab Aapko Bhi First Friend Ki Tarah "Death Match" Select Karna Hai
4  Ab Yaha Aapko "Joiin" Par Click Karna Hoga Or "Ready" Karna Hoga
Ab Yeh Process Dono Mobile Me Karne Ke Bad 8 Second Ke Bad Game Start Ho Jayga Ishi Tarah Aap Ek Mobile Me Hotspot On Kare Or Baki Ke Mobile Se Join Kare Or Ishi Tarah Aap 2- Se Lekar - 12 Friend Ek Game Me Aasani Se Judh Sakte Hai


Mini Militia Game Me Hum Cheat Codes Ka Bhi Use Kar Sakte Hai Aapko Cheats Lagane Ke Liye Chat Me Yeh Niche Diye Gye Cheats Type Or Send Karne Hoge Me Niche Kuch Cheats De Raha Hu
BI – bring it
LG – lets go,yea
RU – ready upGS – get some
NN – noooooooooooo
HH –  A perfect fighting machine
WP – You wanna piece of me!
GG – Good Game
GM – Oh, They got me
NS -- Nice Shot

Post Completed!! Ager Article Acha Lage To Like Or Comment Jarur Karen...

Friday 22 July 2016

Facebook Group Kya Hai Or Kaise Bnaye

Fb Sabse Jayada Use Hone Wala Social Network Hai Or Me Facebook Ke Bare Me Aapko Pahle Bahut Sari Jankari De Chuka Hu.

Is Article Me Aap Facebook Group Ke Bare Me Bahut Sari Achi Achi Jankari Jannege Jinse Aap Anjaan The Aaj Me Is Article Me Aapko Batauga Ki Facebook Group Kya Hai Or Ise Kaise Bnate Hai Or Bnane Ke Kya Kya Faide Hau Or Facebook Group Privacy Kya Hai Or Iske Sath Aap Yeh Bhi Janege Ki Facebook Par Group Bnakar Aapna Business Kaise Improve Kre Or Bhi Bahut Kuch Par Yeh Sab Jankari Aapki Tabhi Milegi Jab Aap Is Article Ko Man Lagakar Pura Dayan Se Padege Tabhi Aap Yeh Sari Jankari Hasil Kar Paoge.. To Chaliye Suruwaat Kre... :D


Facebook Par Groups Ka Bahut Hi Jayada Mahtav (Importance) Hai Kyuki Yaha Par Hum Million Users Ka Ek Circle Bna Sakte Hai Or Waha Aapna Ideas Share Kar Sakte Hai Or Har Member Post Kar Sakta Hai Or Aapne Topic Par Bat Kar Sakte Hai Or Hum Facebook Har Tarah Ke Groups Dekh Sakte Hai Aapne Vicharo Ko Sabse Samne Rakhne Ke Liye Groups Bahut Hi Acha Place Hai

Facebook Par Aap Alag Alag Topic Par Group Bna Sakte Hai Jo Me Niche Aapko Bata Raha Hu

Study group, Close friends, Club, Events and plans, Family, Neighbours, Parents, Project, School or class, Buy, sell, Support, Team, Travel Or Aapne Business Ka Bhi Bna Sakte Hai Aapne Uper Category Padhi To Aapko Chala Hoga Ki Facebook Group Hum Bahut Sari Category Me Bna Sakte Hai


Facebook Group Se Hum Aapne Facebook Page Ya Aapne Website Par Bahut Acha Traffic Paa Sakte Hai Kyuki Ager Aap 1 Lakh Member Wale Group Me Advertising Krege To 10000 User Aapki Post Jarur Dekhege Or Un Me Se 1000 Log Aapke Advertising Ko Use Krege Jisse Aapko Kitna Faida Ho Sakta Hai Aap Khud Hi Aandaza Laga Sakte Hai Or Hum Study Group Join Kar Waha Aapni Study Online Kar Sakte Hai Or Har Tarah Ke Topics Oar Discussion Kar Sakte Hai

Facebook Group Privacy Kya Hai?

Facebook Par Jab Hum Group Dekhte Hai To Hame 3 Tarah Ki Group Privacy Dikhayi Deti Hai Public, Closed Or Secret Chalo Inke Bare Me Ek Chart Me Batata Hu

Facebook Par Group Kaise Bnaye?

Hum Aapna Khud Ka Facebook Group Bhi Bna Sakte Hai Aaj Me Yaha Aapko Bahut Hi Ache Treeke Se Batauga Ki Facebook Par Khud Ka Group Kaise Create Kre

Step-1 Sabse Aapne Mobile Se Http:// Par Jaye Or Login Kre

Step-2 Ab Login Ho Jane Ke Bad "Menu" Par Click Kre Or "Groups" Me Jaye.

Step-3 Ab Aapke Samne Ek New Page Khulega usme naya group bna le.

Step-4 Ab Aapko "Name" Fill Karna Hai Or Group Privacy Select Karni Hai Or "Create" Par Click Karna Hai,

Step-5 Ab Aapka Group Ban Chuka Hai Ab Aapko Kuch Member Select Karke Add Karna Hai Or Aapka Facebook Group Ready Hai..

Tooo Dosto Kaisi Lagi Yeh Information Ager Achi Lagi To Comment Jarur Karna Hai Or Ager Kahi Kuch Shmjh Na Aaya Ho To Niche Ke Comment Box Me Comment Kre..